Last Updated on April 28, 2023 by Dee
Ready to tackle drawing a realistic nose from the front? Don’t worry, it’s easier than you might think! With my “how to draw a nose step by step” guide, you’ll be a pro in no time. Drawing a nose can seem like a daunting task, but I promise it can be done in just 9 simple steps.
So, grab your paper and pencil, and let’s get started!

A Quick-Start Guide for Drawing a Nose from the Front:
- To start, sketch the basic shape of the nose – just a few lines for nose tip, nose bridge, and the right and left nostril.
- Next, add tone to your sketch with pencil shading.
- Finish off your drawing by refining shadows and highlights.
Now that you’ve learned how to draw a realistic-looking nose in just 9 quick steps, go try it out! Drawing noses may seem intimidating at first but don’t worry; the more you practice the better you will get!
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Detailed Guide on How to Draw a Nose Step by Step.
If you want to draw a nose (or any realistic object, person, or scene), having a clear reference picture is always a good idea.
You can find a good reference picture on a free stock photo site like Or you can grab your mobile phone, and take a few shots of your friend, colleague, classmate, or partner.
It is often the case that using reference images that you have taken yourself, leads to better drawing! This is because you have an emotional connection to the subject matter.
PRO TIP: If you are taking photos on your mobile phone make sure you have good lighting so that your shadows and highlights are clearly visible and you can easily identify the shapes in your image.
Step 1: Draw an ellipse.

Start by drawing an ellipse. The ellipse becomes the nose tip and the first shape we use to guide the rest of our nose drawing.
PRO TIP: It’s a good idea to draw with a 2B pencil or darker. The lead in a 2B, 4B, 6B (and so on) is a lot softer than an HB or 2H pencil.
This means achieving a visible pencil mark on your page is easier without pressing too hard.
If you press too firmly on your page it may be more difficult to erase the pencil mark if you need to make changes.
Always start by plotting the shapes of your drawings with soft pencil lines.
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Step 2: Draw the shape of the inner nostril.

Draw in the ‘c’ shape of the opening of the nostril on either side of the ellipse.
By plotting out this shape, you will have a better idea of where the outer part of the nostril is, and how to go about adding shadow to the receding areas.
This all helps you build your sketch towards being a realistic nose drawing.
Step 3: Draw the shape of the outer nostril.

You can now draw the “c” shape of the outer nostril. Essentially, this is a larger “c” shape than the one for the nostril entrance above.
Step 4: Draw the bridge of the nose.

Use a soft outline to define the nose bridge. You will be erasing this later on because it is only used as a gentle guideline to help you plot the shapes, shadows, and highlights in your drawing.
Step 5: Begin shading around the bridge of the nose and erase the ellipse.

Start adding soft shading on the sides of the nasal bone, as well as around the edge of the nose shape.
Once you have defined some of the top of the nose using shadow, you can erase the ellipse.
PRO TIP: The shading technique you can use for smooth shading of a nose is called grading or blending. You can use a blending stump to create dark and light values and achieve the shadows of the basic shapes.
Lower your pencil so that you are putting pressure on the side of the lead – not directly on this tip.
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This means more of the lead touches the surface of the paper and you get a softer, larger mark on the page. This makes it easier to cover larger areas of shadow without irregular marks.
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Step 6: Add more shading.

Add more shading to the sides of the nose and around the tip of the nose.
Make sure to leave the tip of the nose white so as to accentuate the highlight and make it appear three-dimensional.
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Step 7: Darken the shadow within the nostril.

As you can see, I start with a very dark pencil shade in the innermost part of the nostril and lighten the shadow at the entrance to the nostril.
Step 8: Add more shadow.

Add more shadow to the areas next to the nostril and around the tip of the nose.
Step 9: Final Step – Darken your shadow areas.

Darken your shadow areas and add more shading to the nostrils and beneath the nose.

Check out this great video on How to Draw a Nose…
Different Types of Noses to Draw
Noses come in all shapes and sizes, which can make them a fun and challenging subject to draw. Here are a few different nose shapes and some general tips on how to draw them:
- Roman nose: A Roman nose is characterized by a prominent bridge that curves downward at the tip. To draw this type of nose, start by drawing a vertical line down the center of the nose, then add a curved line for the bridge. Use shading to create a gradual curve at the tip of the nose.
- Button nose: A button nose is small and round, with a slightly upturned tip. To draw this type of nose, start with a small circle or oval shape for the tip, then add a curved line to connect it to the face. Use shading to create depth and definition.
- Snub nose: A snub nose is short and slightly upturned, with a rounded tip. To draw this type of nose, start with a small triangle shape for the tip, then add a curved line to connect it to the face. Use shading to create a smooth transition from the nose to the face.
- Crooked nose: A crooked nose is asymmetrical and can be a bit trickier to draw. Start by drawing the basic shape of the nose, then add lines to indicate the curvature of the bridge. Use shading to create depth and texture, and don’t be afraid to exaggerate the crookedness for a more dramatic effect.
Some general tips for drawing noses of any shape include paying attention to the proportions of the nose in relation to the rest of the face, using shading to create dimension and depth, and studying reference images or real-life examples to get a better understanding of the structure and shape of the nose.
As with any aspect of drawing, practice, and experimentation are key to improving your skills.
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Tools you need to draw a nose, step-by-step.
If you have just started out drawing (and even if you are a more seasoned artist), it can be tough to figure out what tools and materials you need to get started on a successful drawing.
I have been teaching art for 15 years (and have been making my own for far longer) so these are my top recommendations for equipment, tools, and materials that will help you achieve the best results in your drawing. If you would like an overall Drawing Kit that will have all your bases covered, have a look at these top Drawing Kits.
Drawing Pencils (Faber Castell is my go-to brand because the quality is always good, and they are easier on the bank balance!)
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A Drawing Pad or sketchbook: It’s a good idea to have a drawing pad or sketchbook that you can open up and work in. It’s also handy to have one where you can easily remove the pages if you want to sell your drawings, mount or frame them.
Kneadable Eraser: This is an absolute must for drawing. You can alter the shape of the eraser so that you can easily erase tiny areas within your artwork. You can also use this eraser to lift areas of shading that have been overworked.
Sharpener: A sturdy reliable blade that will keep your pencils ready for sketching.
How to Draw a Cartoon/ Anime Nose
Are you a fan of drawing anime or cartoon characters? Then you know how important it is to get the nose just right. Let’s break down the steps on how to draw a nose in a more cartoon or anime style.
First, start with a white paper and draw a vertical line down the center, which will be the center of your nose.
Next, draw a diamond shape around the center line to create the basic planes of the nose. Draw dashed lines on the left side to indicate the bridge of the nose.
Then, draw a smaller circle on the right side to represent the nostril. Make sure to darken the left nostril and make the right nostril the most light.
Once you have the basic planes in place, you can start to add details to the nose. Use a graphite pencil to draw curved lines to indicate the shape of the nostrils and shading to create depth.
If you want to draw noses from different angles easily, remember that the opposite side of the nose will always reflect the previous step you just drew.
To finish off the lower portion of the nose, draw two triangles below the nostrils to create the base.
Use a kneaded eraser to clean up any lines that need to be refined, and voila! You’ve got yourself a finished drawing of an anime nose.
Remember, practice makes perfect. Keep practicing and experimenting with different angles and styles to develop your drawing skills.
Drawing noses can be challenging, but with a little bit of patience and practice, you’ll soon be drawing stunning anime or cartoon characters with ease.
Frequently Asked Questions about Drawing a Nose…
Q: How do you draw a cute nose easy? A: To draw a cute nose, you can start by drawing a small and rounded shape for the tip of the nose. Then, draw a curved line to connect the tip to the rest of the nose, and add shading to create dimension. You can also experiment with different shapes and sizes until you find a nose that fits the style you’re going for.
Q: How do you draw your own nose?
A: Drawing your own nose can be a great exercise to improve your drawing skills. Start by looking at yourself in a mirror and studying the shape and details of your nose. Then, use a pencil and paper to sketch out the basic shape and add in the details. Pay attention to the angles and curves of your nose, and don’t be afraid to make adjustments as needed.
Q: How do you draw a nose shape?
A: To draw a nose shape, begin by drawing a vertical line down the center of your paper. Then, draw a diamond shape around the center line to create the basic planes of the nose. Draw dashed lines on the left side to indicate the bridge of the nose, and a smaller circle on the right side to represent the nostril. From there, you can add in the details and shading to create a more defined nose shape.
Q: How do you draw a nose step by step video?
A: If you’re a visual learner, plenty of step-by-step drawing tutorials are available online, including videos. Search for “how to draw a nose step by step” on YouTube or other video platforms to find a variety of tutorials that can guide you through the process. Make sure to pause and rewind as needed to follow along at your own pace.

Congratulations! You’ve just completed your very own realistic human nose drawing. Don’t you feel like a pro now? I told you it wasn’t as difficult as it seemed! So, take a moment to bask in the glory of your newfound drawing skills.
Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep at it and you’ll only continue to improve. I hope my how to draw a nose step-by-step guide was helpful and made the process a little easier for you. If it was, please share it with your friends or leave a comment below.
Now, go forth and draw some more incredible noses.
Happy drawing! 🙂
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