21+ Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas: Fun and Creative Ways to Celebrate the Holiday

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Last Updated on September 18, 2023 by Dee

Stuck in a creative rut this Thanksgiving season? Looking to add a unique touch to your festivities? Delight in our curated list of Thanksgiving drawing ideas that promise both fun and festivity. Dive in to discover imaginative ways to celebrate the holiday with art!

And as a special thank-you to our dedicated readers, we’re offering FREE Thanksgiving coloring pages at the end of this article. Dive deep into creativity and make sure to reach the end to grab your exclusive treat!

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas (2)

21+ Drawing Ideas for Thanksgiving & The Fall Season

Thanksgiving is a time for family, and friends, and giving thanks for all the good things in life. It’s also a time for creativity and fun, especially when it comes to drawing.

Whether you’re an experienced artist or just starting out, there are plenty of Thanksgiving drawing ideas to inspire you.

Here are 21+ ideas to get you started:

1. Colorful Turkey

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas Turkey

Draw a turkey with colorful feathers and a bright red wattle. Drawing a turkey is a classic Thanksgiving activity.

To draw a turkey, start with a circle for the body and a smaller circle for the head. Draw a beak, wattle, and eyes on the head.

Then, draw the feathers by making curved lines that start at the body and go outwards. Add legs and feet, and you have a turkey!

2. Thanksgiving Cornucopia

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas

A cornucopia is a symbol of abundance and is often associated with Thanksgiving. Sketch a cornucopia overflowing with fruits and vegetables.

To draw a cornucopia, start with a horn shape.

Draw fruits and vegetables coming out of the horn, such as apples, grapes, corn cobs, and pumpkins. You can also add leaves and flowers to make the cornucopia look more festive.

3. Thanksgiving Centerpiece

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas

Create a festive centerpiece with pumpkins, gourds, and fall leaves!

4. Thanksgiving Feast

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas

Draw a Thanksgiving feast with all your favorite foods, like turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce.

5. A Family Gathering

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas

Illustrate a family gathering around a table, sharing stories and laughter.

6. A Pilgrim & a Native American

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas

Draw a pilgrim and a Native American sharing a meal together.

7. Children Playing in Leaves

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas

Sketch a scene of children playing in a pile of leaves.

8. Autumn Landscape

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas

Create a colorful autumn landscape with trees, hills, and a bright blue sky.

9. Friends Playing Football

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas

Illustrate a group of friends playing football or other outdoor games.

10. Turkey Wearing a Pilgrim Hat

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas Turkey Wearing a Pilgrim Hat

Draw a turkey wearing a pilgrim hat and holding a sign that says “Happy Thanksgiving!”

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas

Sketch a family taking a walk in the crisp fall air.

12. Fall Still Life Drawing

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas Fall Still Life Drawing

Create a still life of fall flowers, like mums, asters, and sunflowers. You can even add a pretty fall wreath in the background.

13. Baking Pies

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas Family Baking Pies

Draw a family baking apple pie or pumpkin pie, and other Thanksgiving treats in the kitchen.

14. Roasting Marshmallows

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas Roasting Marshmallows

Illustrate a group of friends gathered under an oak tree around a bonfire, roasting marshmallows.

15. Volunteers at the Local Foodbank

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas Local Foodbank

Sketch a scene of people volunteering at a local food bank or soup kitchen.

16. Cartoon Turkey

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas Cartoon Turkey

Create a cartoon of a turkey at the dinner table.

17. Warm Fire

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas Family reading by the fire

Draw a family snuggled up by the fire, reading books and enjoying each other’s company.

18. Raking Leaves

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas People raking leaves

Illustrate a scene of people raking falling leaves and jumping into the pile.

19. Pumpkin Carving

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas Pumpkin carving

Sketch a group of friends carving pumpkins and creating jack-o-lanterns for halloween.

20. Portrait of a Loved One

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas Portait of a loved one

Create a portrait of a loved one, with fall leaves and flowers as the background.

21. Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas giving thanks

Draw a scene of people giving thanks and expressing gratitude for all the blessings in their lives.

22. A Thanksgiving Pumpkin

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas pumpkin drawing in watercolor and pencil

Pumpkins are another staple of Thanksgiving. To draw a pumpkin, start with a circle for the body.

Draw a stem on top and add ridges to the pumpkin by making curved lines that go from the top to the bottom.

You can also draw a face on the pumpkin to make a jack-o-lantern.

Tips for Drawing

Here are some tips to keep in mind when you’re drawing:

  • Use light strokes when you’re sketching out your drawing. You can always go back and darken the lines later.
  • Start with simple shapes and then add details as you go.
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process.
  • Take breaks when you need to. Drawing can be tiring, so it’s important to rest your hand and eyes when you need to.

By following these basic tips, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of drawing. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep drawing and don’t give up!

23 Free Thanksgiving Coloring Pages: Fun for All Ages!

Whether you’re an adult searching for a meditative escape, some homemade thanksgiving decorations or a parent eager to provide your child with a festive activity, we’ve got something special for you.

Dive into our collection of 15 exclusive Thanksgiving coloring pages, tailored to delight both children and adults!

(Grab our free Thanksgiving Coloring Pages PDF at the bottom of the page!)

Why Coloring is More than Just Child’s Play

Before unveiling our collection, let’s highlight why coloring is an activity cherished by many. For the youngsters, coloring is not only fun but also beneficial.

It sparks their imagination, hones motor skills, and introduces them to the symbols and traditions of Thanksgiving.

As for adults, coloring offers a therapeutic retreat from daily stresses, providing an avenue to relax, focus, and rekindle the flames of creativity. It’s an engaging activity, regardless of age!

For the Little Ones: Bringing the Thanksgiving Spirit to Life

Thanksgiving Coloring pages
Thanksgiving Coloring pages
Thanksgiving Coloring pages
Thanksgiving Coloring pages
Thanksgiving Coloring pages
Thanksgiving Coloring pages
Thanksgiving Coloring pages
Thanksgiving Coloring pages
Thanksgiving Coloring pages
Thanksgiving Coloring pages for kids
Thanksgiving Coloring pages for kids

Our collection for children captures the essence of Thanksgiving in delightful and whimsical ways.

From cheerful turkeys and bountiful harvests to playful autumn scenes, these coloring pages are designed to captivate young minds while celebrating the holiday’s spirit.

They’re the perfect blend of fun and festivity, ensuring hours of coloring enjoyment for the kiddos.

For the Adults: A Sophisticated Take on Thanksgiving Themes

Thanksgiving Coloring pages for adults
Thanksgiving Coloring pages for adults
Thanksgiving Coloring pages for adults
Thanksgiving Coloring pages for adults
Thanksgiving Coloring pages for adults
Thanksgiving Coloring pages for adults
Thanksgiving Coloring pages for adults
Thanksgiving Coloring pages for adults
Thanksgiving Coloring pages for adults
Thanksgiving Coloring pages for adults
Thanksgiving Coloring pages for adults
Thanksgiving Coloring pages for adults

For the grown-ups, we’ve infused traditional Thanksgiving motifs with intricate patterns and designs.

Think mandalas intertwined with autumn leaves, detailed scenes of festive feasts, and sophisticated portrayals of the season’s beauty.

These pages are not just coloring sheets; they’re an invitation to unwind, relax, and lose oneself in the flow of creativity.

Grab Your Free Coloring Pages!

Eager to start your coloring adventure? We’re thrilled to share these pages with you, and they’re entirely FREE!

Simply click below to download the full collection.

Grab the Thanksgiving Coloring Pages HERE!

Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas

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